Digital Strategist | Creative Executive


We build digital video solutions.

Over 15 years of digital experience in the creative process, programming development, team management and high end production, thanks in part to the following organizations:

I follow these basic digital principles.

Understand And Program To Your Audience: Often overlooked in strategic discussions around content production is this simple question:  "What do we hope to achieve with this video?"  If you don't have a clear sense of your audience needs, behavior, and intended action, it's time to establish goals and clarify intended results.

Be Platform Specific: Meet your audiences (and their headspace) where they're at with content designed to match the specific behavior social platforms invoke.

Be Authentic: An authentic and passionate voice, regardless of the medium, is a critical key to success. If you believe in your content, your audience feels it and responds accordingly.

Take Risks And Evolve Quickly: A successful digital mindset must include risk taking and speedy adaptation based on data and audience feedback. Capitalizing on our "failures" is the only way to step forward. We must be fearless in our rapid evolution.

Data + Guts = Success: We have greater access to the details of audience demographics and data than at any other time in history. Always look for signals in the data and follow your gut on how to make best use of them.

Make A Difference: If you aren't trying to change the world, you aren't thinking big enough.

Here's what that looks like in practice:

These Are Just Some Of The Results.


  • Guided Nat Geo's video experience into a key social video leadership position within the industry.
  • Oversaw the creation of National Geographic's Facebook Video experience, which has the best views-to-video-count ratio on Facebook, generating 1.4 billion views from just over 1000 clips with an average of 1.4 million views per video. More info: tubular insights
  • Oversaw the creation and continued growth of Nat Geo's original Snapchat video experience as one of the Snapchat Discover launch partners. 
  • Significant YoY video view growth on O&O properties.
  • Significant growth in key metrics on YouTube.